Thursday, March 13, 2014

Gabriel's New Crib Skirt: Sarah's Slings and Things Review

One of my favorite things to do is work on my house. I love making each space in my home more inviting and more me. Last year while we were working on Gabriel's room I decided I wanted the color theme of yellow and grey. I had pinned at no less than thirty pins of children's rooms that color. I LOVED the color combo. One Sunday I got the itch to paint every piece of furniture in his room grey and yellow (minus the crib) and when I was finished I thought it was beautiful!

Ever since I have finished his room I love finding accents to really bring out the yellow and grey, his handmade blanket and grey chevron rocking chair are just two things that we have done recently. I have been speaking with Sarah over at Sarahs Slings and Things for a little bit about making Gabriel a three tier crib skirt. She makes such beautiful items that I literally could not wait to see what she had made for my little man.

Sarah has her own website, check it out here where she is known for her very unique and wonderfully crafted handmade slings. Her prices are great too because I know how hard it is to find a sling that we enjoy to carry our babies in that is comfortable and affordable.

When I received the crib skirt in the mail this week I was seriously blown away. The colors, the fabric, the way it was put together...every piece was just perfect. To me, it pulls Gabriel's whole room together!!  I could not be more pleased and thankful for Sarah's hard work. It takes ALOT to have a a handmade shop succeed and Sarah is doing that simply because her work is so amazing!

If you, or someone you know is having a little one soon, you should check out Sarah's Etsy Shop. She can make just about anything your little heart desires for that new bundle of joy, or if you even want to spruce up one of your children's bedrooms with a bed skirt give her a shout you will not be disappointed!

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