Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday Giveaway?! I think so..

I can't believe it's already Sunday and my baby boy is ONE! His birthday was yesterday and we had an AMAZING party. It was really a blast, I will be writing all about that this week :-) Today though since I have been feeling so lousy I thought I would tell you guys about this awesome girl and her business. She is really trying to expand her shop and I would love it if you guys went and showed her some love. She has an incredible story and I can tell just from talking to her a few times she is a strong, amazing woman.

Her shop Penny June Hoops has some of the most adorable hoops. She can make just about any character you can think of and would be SO perfect in a kids room or playroom. She even made me a hoop and I LOVE it.

Jodi is so kind that even while growing her business she still wants to do a giveaway for you all. How kind is that! She has made an incredible Mickey hoop that would look adorable in your little ones room or playroom. To win it all you have to do is enter and while you do please check out Jodi's beautiful hoops and send her some kind words and encouragement.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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