Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Polyvore Files

What a crazy busy weekend it has been! I have not stopped...I guess that comes with the season though and getting all ready for Christmas. I love clothes, like really love them and I so enjoy putting outfits together. I have been wondering what I will be wearing to my family's Christmas get together this year and I totally would be thrilled to find this outfit.

What are you wearing to your Christmas gatherings?

How cute right?? I don't think I have ever seen a sweater like that in stores around my area so I would have to order it...and the boots...AHH.. LOVE, and the perfect purse to go with it. 
Here are my answers to Joni's Questions from last week.

  1. What is your favorite holiday movie? I love Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase. Always a must see in this house.
  2. What is your favorite soup to enjoy during the winter?   I love Chicken Noodle Soup! Also some yummy Tomato with Grilled Cheese...YUMMM.
  3. Which do prefer, coffee or hot chocolate? Honestly I do not LOVE neither but if I had to pick I would chose Hot Chocolate because I HATE coffee.
  4. What is your favorite tart or candle scent for this time of year? I love Apple Pie and a Christmas Tree smell.
  5. White lights or colored lights on your Christmas tree? Color ALWAYS. I love colorful lights. Next year I am hoping to add to my collection of the huge old bulbs like my grandparents have.

Linking up with Six Cherries On Top

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