What are you wearing to your Christmas gatherings?
How cute right?? I don't think I have ever seen a sweater like that in stores around my area so I would have to order it...and the boots...AHH.. LOVE, and the perfect purse to go with it.
Here are my answers to Joni's Questions from last week.
- What is your favorite holiday movie? I love Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase. Always a must see in this house.
- What is your favorite soup to enjoy during the winter? I love Chicken Noodle Soup! Also some yummy Tomato with Grilled Cheese...YUMMM.
- Which do prefer, coffee or hot chocolate? Honestly I do not LOVE neither but if I had to pick I would chose Hot Chocolate because I HATE coffee.
- What is your favorite tart or candle scent for this time of year? I love Apple Pie and a Christmas Tree smell.
- White lights or colored lights on your Christmas tree? Color ALWAYS. I love colorful lights. Next year I am hoping to add to my collection of the huge old bulbs like my grandparents have.
Linking up with Six Cherries On Top